A Home For Trades
For some, the idea of working from home sounds like a luxury….I mean who doesn’t love cutting out the daily commute to and from work, being able to grab food when you want with no pre-planning, being home when the kids get home from school, a quick kiss in passing your spouse in the […]
Overhead Swing Hoist

Overhead Swing Hoist 12′- 10″ Tall 13′ – 6″ Arm $500 OBO Pick up in Red Deer during business hours only. No Delivery. Call 403-550-9992 for more information.
Security Cage For Sale

Security Cage for Sale – 48″ x 24″ x 6′ Tall Security Cage. $250 Pick up in Red Deer, Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:30pm FCFS- No Holds